About Us
Rev. Kevin C. Benton is the founder & Senior Pastor of World Harvest Worship Center in Gibsonton Florida. The vision of World Harvest Worship Center was revealed in 2011 while living in New York City and manifested in November of 2013. He is also the founder of Voice Of Truth Ministries a non-denominational, spirit-filled evangelistic ministry. Voice of Truth ministries was founded in November 2003. Voice of Truth Ministries became Voice of Truth Ministries-Kevin C. Benton Ministries in May of 2020. He is the founder of H.E.L.P. Outreach Inc. H.E.L.P. meets the needs of those who are less fortunate and impoverished. He is a graduate of World Harvest Bible College in Columbus Ohio. Rev. Kevin C. Benton is joined in ministry by his wife Dr. Vanessa N. Benton. He is the father of two beautiful daughters & has three grandchildren.
Rev. Kevin C. Benton aka "Rev Kev" also operates in the office of the Evangelist. He preaches the uncompromised Word of God ministering in the power, presence, anointing & Prophetic Realm of the Holy Spirit seeing many salvations, healings, deliverances & miracles in his meetings. Healings such as Blind Eyes Opening, Deaf Ears Opening, Stage 4 Cancers, Diabetes, Carpal Tunnel, Arthritis, neck, back and various bodily injuries & infirmities instantly healed in his meetings & services.
Having experienced deliverance and the power of Jesus Christ himself preaches the Gospel with boldness, passion and fire. He has been called as a bearer of God's Anointing & to be a runner of God's fire, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness to the North, the South, the East & the West and to all nations of the earth!
Having experienced deliverance and the power of Jesus Christ himself preaches the Gospel with boldness, passion and fire. He has been called as a bearer of God's Anointing & to be a runner of God's fire, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ with boldness to the North, the South, the East & the West and to all nations of the earth!